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The Web Site Information is directed exclusively at eligible individuals. By using the Site you confirm that you are permitted by law to use the Site. Any Site Information which relates to an unregulated collective investment scheme relates solely to persons who are either (a) a “professional client” or “eligible counterparty” (as defined by the rules of the FCA) and is an individual in respect of whom Obsidian Capital Management has taken reasonable steps to establish is a category 7 person as defined in chapter 4 of the FCA’s Conduct of Business Sourcebook (“COBS 4”); or (b) a person whom Obsidian Capital Management has taken reasonable steps to establish is a category 8 person as defined in chapter 4 of COBS 4, and to whom accordingly a promotion regarding an unregulated collective investment scheme may lawfully be made in accordance with COBS 4 (“Eligible Recipients”). Obsidian Capital Management has systems in place to ensure that an enquiry from a person who is not an “Eligible Recipient” will be declined.

Investment options referred to on this site are only available to Eligible Recipients. Information on past performance, where given, is not necessarily a guide to future performance. The value of investments and funds may rise or fall and all of your investment is at risk.

The distribution of the information contained in this Website in certain countries may be restricted by law and persons who access it are required to inform themselves and to comply with any such restrictions. This information does not constitute an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction. Prospective investors should inform themselves as to applicable legal requirements, exchange control regulations and taxes in the countries of their citizenship, residence or domicile. This Website is published solely for informational purposes and has no regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person. Potential investors in the funds that are described, or referred to, in this Website should seek their own independent financial advice if they are in any doubt.

You should note that, if you choose to invest in any fund described or referred to in this Website, your capital will be at risk and you may therefore lose some or all of any amount that you choose to invest.

On no account is the information supplied to be regarded as offering investment recommendations or financial, taxation or other professional advice. The investment products referred to may not be suitable for everyone and, if in doubt, interested persons should consult a qualified specialist before taking investment decisions.

By accessing this Website beyond this point you confirm your status as professional client or eligible counterparty (as defined in the FCA Rules) and you warrant as such.

Due to the potential for losses, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) considers this investment to be very complex and high risk.

1. This investment arrangement is unregulated

2. You could lose all the money you invest

3. You (a UK investor) should not expect to be protected if something goes wrong

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) doesn’t protect this type of investment because it’s not a ‘specified investment’ under the UK regulatory regime

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) will not be able to consider complaints related to this firm

4. Traded investments can be complex and high risk

5. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

A good rule of thumb is not to invest more than 10% of your money in high-risk investments.